All You Have To Do Is Consider The Possibility....

I believe there is a fine line between what you think is possible and what is actually possible.


The Story Behind

Linda Arena talks about her book, an absolutely good read, entitled "The Thirteenth Order: Guardians of the Crystal Skulls" Author’s Tranquility Press has helped many great writers in that light by exposing their works to a greater audience, and now it is doing so once more for this fantastic book which deserves to be read.


Behind The Book

The Thirteenth Order I:
Guardians of the Crystal Skulls

The Mt. Shasta mystery is the backdrop of this story. The 9.2 Indonesian earthquake shifted earth’s rotation 3.19 out of orbit. Now, the massive catastrophes are threatening the survival of humanity. Is there anyone that can save us?



Are you a science fiction fan?

Then this is perfect for you!